Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 35!

We had our ultrasound and our OB appointment today. The babies are doing great! Mason has passed Maddy now in weight. He now weighs 5 lbs 12 ounces and she's right on his heels at 5 lbs 9 ounces. Kids... they grow up so fast!
We usually get better pictures of his face, but this time she stole the show. Can you see her face looking right at you in this picture? She's going to be beautiful like her mommy!

Amanda is doing okay. She's starting to have a little blood pressure issue. We had to go to the birthing center to be monitored and do a non-stress test on the babies after our appointments today. Amanda's blood pressure went back down, so they let us go home, but we now have to go back in on Monday. Basically, the OB said she wants us to come in twice a week to be checked out until the babies are here. The good news; if Amanda starting going downhill, they can now do the C-section with no problems. The babies are fully developed and a good birth weight. In fact, 50% of twin pregnancies don't get to week 36. (don't believe everything you read though, when it comes to statistics, four out of five are completely made up. And I'm 70% sure of that)

If there's anyone out there who cares how I'm doing, I'm okay :-) I caught a bug yesterday and I've been feeling a little under the weather. Oh, well huh... I've got to suck it up. When the babies get here I won't be able to take a sick day!

I hope everyone is having a nice week!



Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda
Sounds like you are ready to hatch those chicks!I will check daily for updates on progress....tell Chris I hope he gets over his bug or they won't let him into the OR! Just kidding.
One day at a time!
Hugs and love
PS I just realized that I have never known anyone who was pregers with twins....while they were pregnant...I have learned lots from you....
Miss you!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at everything, boy this must have taken alot of work, It shouldn't be long now, I hope you are feeling ok and all is well. It took me a while to figure this out so I hope you get this.

Sherry Joyner

Anonymous said...

You are just positively glowing and you look so beautiful. Your gonna be able to hold those babies in your arms any day now. I can't wait to meet them and to hear about all the funny stories that you and Chris will have to tell over the years as they grow up. Hope you and Chris are doing well and you are in my thoughts and prayers as your due date approaches. I miss you and I hope to get to see you soon. We haven't done girls night in forever and its long overdue!!!

Linds :o)