Friday, December 11, 2009

Oh, how things change!

These kids have changed so much since the last update (which was quite a while ago, sorry, life has been very busy) so I thought I would throw a few of our more recent pictures on here.

The kids are crawling all over the place now, and love to wrestle with each other.

Maddy enjoying time with mommy at Gymboree.

We had to little pumpkins for Halloween.

This is the smile Maddy flashes when she gets caught outside the baby gate.
Can't get mad at that!

Mason is such a happy little boy!

Bundled up for a walk.

We love her black tights. They make her legs look so small.

We are so happy watching these kids grow up day by day. There is nothing more enjoyable than watching them laugh at each other and play.
Amanda has done an AMAZING job watching the kids and taking care of all the household chores while I've been in the Fire Academy. She's worked her butt off!
My academy days are down to 2. I get my badge on Tuesday and start first thing Wednesday morning out at Station 62 in Aloha. I'll be there for 3 months and then be moved to another station.
Life keeps trucking along for us, and we're so thankful for our blessings. We hope that you and your family have a very Merry Christmas.
God Bless,
The Needham Family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Chris, Amanda, Mason and Madison,
Wow! what a lovely Christmas picture. This brings tears to one's eyes. We are so proud of both of you and the grandmas who helped keep things together, resulting in such a fantastic score card at the end of 2009. You both deserve a medal for sure. We love the pictures you share, it gives us a chance to enjoy while living so many miles away. Happy New Year...
Love, Kathy and Fred